Holistic Management Field Day in Orange

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Join us to toast 30 years of Holistic Management at Cargo Road wines Thursday 17th October.

On Friday 18th October we will Revisit Coombing Park, Carcoar, and highlight the Change in Lives and Landscape holistic management enables, along with scientist Walter Jehne talking soil & changing the Methane narrative.

On Saturday 19th October – our Future Forum will delve into What’s Next for Ag businesses?

1. Global trends to Farm activity
2. Natural Capital
3. Emerging market options and
4. Adaptive Ag Businesses

Be with like-minded people, go home energised -ready to make your ideas reality

Tickets will be available for each Event and Day.
BOOK TICKETS: https://events.humanitix.com/turningknowledge-into-practice-conference-orange-nsw

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